Saturday, March 31, 2012

Heroes Night

Our kids go to the best elementary school. They had a heroes night and their principal dressed up as Captain America and the counselor dressed as Mr. Incredible. Awesome!

Hannah and Eli both signed up to be volunteer readers. They both did great!

Our Puzzler

Jonas has acquired a new skill. He loves putting puzzles together! I love it and he feels so good about himself when he can do it all by himself. I just got him a new Spiderman puzzle. Two of his favorites (Spiderman and puzzles).
It finally snowed last month (Feb 20). It has been a very dry winter.
We bundled up and went to a nearby park so we could finally try out the sled the kids got for Christmas. We had so much fun playing together as a family.

Here's Brady pushing Hannah so she can go extra fast (and far).
We had a contest to see who could go the farthest.

This video makes me giggle. Eli is in the front and Jonas is hanging on in back... so cute!